Thursday, May 7, 2020

Reproduction Circa 1965 Land-O-Lakes butter box.

Being off work and under self isolation due to corona, and upon hearing that Land-O-Lakes is dropping Mia, the Native American maiden from their box art logo, as an honor to her, and Land-O-Lakes, I decided to make this replica of a 1965 1 pound four quarter stick box. Using 4 different computer applications, and two images I got from the internet, a bit of heavy gauge paper, a straight edge ruler and some white glue, I threw together this full scale reproduction in about 8 hours earlier this week.

 I'd much rather have a nice original box from that time period, though, but I guess this will have to do for now.

The box in this picture below that I'm holding is the last in the line of boxes that have Mia on them. As I type this, the new packaging that is being phased in do not have her on it at all anymore. Just the forests and the lake in the background. Notice, that this last incarnation of her is chest up to keep bad boys from making her do bad tricks!

This is the genuine article. A waxed cardboard Mia Land O' Lakes carton from 1965-1972 (No barcode) 1 pound 4 quarter stick butter box I found on eBay. Yes, people actually did save these back in the day, but for what reason, I have no idea. But anyway, it still exists. It has that "old cardboard" odor like really old cardboard vinyl record album sleeves have.

Just finished doing two more reproduction Land O Lakes butter boxes. This one is of a mid 1930's box was able to use images I found on line I was able to manipulate into images I could use for reproducing the box from. It takes 4 different computer apps to do these... The images I used were from photos of an actual 1933 butter box, not from the metal recipe file box that LOL offered in the early 1980's.
Here is my reproduction of an early 2000's Land O Lakes butter box. I fashioned my own end panels for the box that is more in line with the graphics designed theme of the carton, and got rid of the barcode and Nutrition Facts box that mess up the box design. This basic design of the Mia graphics with the curved "Land O Lakes" font was used up until 2018, then they replaced this with Mia only being visible from her shoulders up with a straight "Land O Lakes" font.. This year, she has been removed all together.

My reproduction Land O Lakes boxes
From bottom to top. 1930's, middle 1950s through the 1990s, top 2000 until 2018.


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