Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Fleeting moment in time...

Went out to clean the snow off my '94 Buick the other day, and I was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this. Neat stuff!

I usually do not do posts like this on my blog, but this picture is just too neat to only have on Facebook, and the forums that I am a member of. This to me is an incredible act of God.

The temp at the time that I saw this was about 37 degrees, and the thing was fast melting, when after I saw it, ran into the house grabbed the camera and snapped four pictures of it. Then I put the camera away and continued to sweep the snow off the hood of the car. I did not drive the car at all, that day, as I took a snow day leave of absence from my work. Engine heat, in other words was not a factor, as the car has been sitting since the day before that. It was the warming up of the ambient air temperature after the freezing rain/ ice storm ended earlier in the morning. That is all. It was just neat the way the ice released from the ornament intact, and slowly started to slide down the slope of the hood with the snow toward the grille in slow motion, when I caught it with my camera. It was on the verge of collapse when I was photographing it. I thought it was going to fall apart until I got back out there with the camera.


1 comment:

Pensupreme and other vintage milk cartons... do people collect these?

 In the last year, I have noticed how a lot of people collect vintage glass milk bottles, which I remember when I was a kid, how the milkman...