Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Something rarer than hen's teeth!

Here's my old 1961 Schwinn Corvette 5 speed that I have owned since 1975. In the last four years I have been in the process of trying to correctly restore it. It is now about 99.5 percent complete. The only thing that is blatantly incorrect is the 1975 Schwinn Super Sport generator set that I bought for the bike in that year when like I said, I acquired the bicycle. When I got it in the late spring of that year,it was just basically a frame, but it still had it's original wheels, and the shifter on the top tube.Other than the seat, handlebars,crank and sprocket,everything else was missing. In 1975, I was seventeen years old. I was still able to do a mechanical rebuild with then contemporary components, my dad and I used the bike this way for thirty years. Thanks to the internet, and mostly eBay, I started a correct restoration of it in 2005. It is now just about complete. It only needs a Delta ball toggle switch headlight to be 100 percent correct and complete.

These scanned film photos were taken in September of 2008.


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